We are very excited for Alex's birthday show at Elderberries Cafe in Hollywood, which will be up for the entire month of July. For the reception, we are trying out two screens of digital slideshows in addition to hanging framed prints. The prints will remain for the month, along with one of the screens.
Stay tuned for our notes on how the slideshows were received (in terms of displaying photos in a format other than the usual). There is a different perception of the image when it is viewed temporarily, and then fades into another... We are interested to see what effect this quality has on the viewer, and how the image carries its essence within an over-flowing succession. We had seen photos presented on screens at a National Geographic exhibit a few years back, and of course realized that such a method has been widely used for a while now - but this will be the first time that Alex will be showing his pieces in such a way. For many of his abstract and nature scenes, we think it will look stunning; as well as for his street photography, portraiture, and shots of Paris. A photographer's vision is unique to his frame of mind, his heart, his spirit. Alex watches the world around him with a curious eye and a deep love for not only beauty, but also for the exploration of why and how something exists. Be it a stranger on the street who becomes less of a stranger after we look into their eyes, or a tangled dance of tree branches spiraling between light and shadow - Alex seeks the essence; the elegant and often intangible core of capturing life and its innumerable moments. A few of Alex's favorite images are available through Lark Gallery Online, a great collective of international artists. |
November 2018